Suspect Your Computer Has Been Hacked? Do These 5 Things Now!

AtoZinIT Team
Suspect Your Computer Has Been Hacked? Do These 5 Things Now!

When you first suspect that your computer or network has been compromised, it's natural to feel panicked. However, what you do next can make all the difference between a minor inconvenience and a devastating disaster that brings legal trouble, hefty fines, and disrupts your business operations.
In today's article, we've consulted our cybersecurity experts on the top signs of a compromised computer and the five steps you need to take as soon as you notice your network has been breached to minimize irreversible damage.

Signs Of A Compromise

According to IBM's latest cybersecurity report, the average data breach goes unnoticed for 277 days. This is alarming considering the swift damage that attacks using malware, viruses, keylogging tools, and more can cause. Many users miss the warning signs until it's too late.

Several signs of a compromise may initially seem like typical issues with a slow or outdated computer or operating system. If you experience any of these issues, it's important to contact your IT team. Here are some key signs your computer could be compromised:

  • Slow computer or network performance
  • Frequent freezes or sudden crashes
  • Rapid pop-ups
  • Locked user accounts
  • Sudden and unexpected file changes
  • Abnormal system behavior, such as the device continuing to run after a shutdown
  • Unusual account activity

What To Do Next

If you're experiencing any of these signs, the next steps you take are crucial. Here's what our team of experts recommends:

  1. Take the network offline to isolate the incident, but DO NOT turn off the device or reboot it.

    When a device isn't functioning properly, the instinct is often to restart it. However, in cases involving malware, rebooting the device can make the situation worse. Disconnect your device from the network but allow it to remain on as you move through the next steps.
  2. Call your IT team IMMEDIATELY.

    It's important to contain the breach before it spreads further or causes more damage. Your IT team will investigate the issue and mitigate the breach quickly. Do not attempt to fix this on your own as it could cause more damage. Call in the experts.
  3. Call your attorney.

    There are several reasons to call your attorney. Depending on the size of the breach, your attorney may refer you to legal counsel with expertise in privacy and data security laws.
  4. Change passwords and secure all accounts.

    While the IT team works on containing the breach, change your passwords to protect your other accounts. Begin with accounts containing financial information like credit card numbers and Social Security numbers.
  5. Check your bank accounts.

    Most cyber-attacks are financially motivated. As the breach is being mitigated, check your bank accounts for any anomalies or sudden changes.

If you're hit by a cyber-attack, there will be additional steps to take, such as implementing a PR communications plan and notifying appropriate parties. The most important thing is to isolate the incident and seek help from qualified cybersecurity professionals as soon as possible. Time matters in these situations.

If you need a reliable cybersecurity team monitoring your business, start with a FREE IT Systems Assessment. These assessments thoroughly examine your network for vulnerabilities and propose solutions. Prevention is more cost-effective than fixing a cyber-attack, so book your assessment today at or call 704-702-0003.

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